February 11, 2025     
 Municipal Officers
  City of Barron Population: 3733 Val: $185,013,400
Website cityofbarron.com
Clerk/Treas Helstern, Julie PO Box 156, 510 E LaSalle Ave, Barron 715-537-5631
Administrator Jacobson, Liz 510 E LaSalle Ave, Barron 715-537-5631
Ald At Large 1 Johnston, Joe 226 Southview Dr, Barron 715-637-8267
Ald At Large 2 Tollman, Mo 112 Golfview Ave, Barron 715-205-8481
Ald District 1 Sloan, Dallas 715 S 6th St, Barron 715-637-5312
Ald District 2 Kolpack, Keith 786 Pine St, Barron 715-637-5986
Ald District 3 Mohamed, Isaak 362 E Birch Ave, #15A, Barron 612-806-9923
Ald District 4 Olson, Peter 621 Westview Dr, Barron 715-637-5719
Assessor Appraisal Services 2025 Fairfax St, Eau Claire 715-834-1361
Attorney Harrington, Andrew 425 E LaSalle Ave, Barron 715-537-5636
Fire Chief Cole, Ben 28 S 4th St, Barron 715-790-6495
Mayor Nordby, Rod 600 S 5th St, Barron 715-537-5903
Municipal Judge Klein, Mark PO Box 156, 510 E LaSalle Ave, Barron 715-537-5631
Police Chief Vierkandt, Joe PO Box 156, 510 E LaSalle Ave, Barron 715-537-3101
  City of Chetek Population: 2166 Val: $186,772,800
Website cityofchetekwi.us
Clerk Eby, Mark PO Box 194, 220 Stout St, Chetek 715-924-4838
Ald District 1 Bachowski, Scott PO Box 194, Chetek 715-924-4838
Ald District 2 Grover, Earl PO Box 194, Chetek 715-642-3192
Ald District 3 Hight, Terry PO Box 194, Chetek 715-924-3537
Ald District 4 Hempel, Thea PO Box 194, Chetek 715-924-4838
Assessor Assoc Appraisals PO Box 291, Greenville 920-224-8813
Attorney Mahler, Paul PO Box 308, New Richmond 715-246-3800
Dir Pub Works Knapp, Dan PO Box 194, Chetek 715-924-4236
Fire Chief Olson, Ryan PO Box 748, Chetek 715-924-4598
Mayor Martin, Jeff PO Box 194, Chetek 715-925-6078
Municipal Judge Poppe, Paul PO Box 537, Chetek 715-925-1051
Police Chief Ambrozaitis, Ronald PO Box 537, Chetek 715-924-3686
Treas/Admin Stelzner, Laura PO Box 194 220 Stout St, Chetek 715-924-4838
Zoning Adm Atwood, Joe PO Box 194, Chetek 715-764-2948
  City of Cumberland Population: 2274 Val: $177,981,400
Website cityofcumberland.net
Clerk Frisinger, Arlene 950 1st Ave, Cumberland 715-822-2752
Administrator Reeg, Randy 950 1st Ave, Cumberland 715-822-2752
Ald District 1 Anderson, Steve 1160 Saint Anthony St, Cumberland 715-822-4926
Ald District 1 Cifaldi, Michael 1665 Oak St, Cumberland 715-419-1144
Ald District 2 Anderson, Kim 1600 Harbor Dr, Cumberland 815-347-3011
Ald District 2 Lussier, Bill 1785 Douglas St, Cumberland 715-357-8300
Ald District 3 Cady, Kelly 1415 Comstock Ave, Cumberland 715-657-2253
Ald District 3 Schullo, Jim 1605 3rd Ave PO Box 1012, Cumberland 715-822-4357
Ald District 4 Goldsmith, Tom 2495 Jeffery Blvd, Cumberland 715-822-4971
Ald District 4 Laursen, Doris 1155 Jeffery Blvd, Cumberland 715-822-2900
Assessor Kleven Property App. S11091 Cty Rd W, Eleva 715-529-1032
Mayor Shoemaker, Dan 1750 Hines Lakeview Dr, Cumberland 715-822-2712
Municipal Judge Bowen, Kenneth 1900 Babcock Ave, Cumberland 715-419-9794
Police Chief Wolfe, Heather 950 1st Ave, Cumberland 715-822-2754
Treasurer Nyhus, Lori 950 1st Ave, Cumberland 715-822-2752
  City of Rice Lake Population: 9080 Val: $868,702,500
Website ci.rice-lake.wi.us
Clerk/Treas Kessler, Julie 30 E Eau Claire St, Rice Lake 715-234-7088
Ald At Large Dirkes, Marlene 30 E Eau Claire St, Rice Lake 715-651-0332
Ald At Large Larson, Todd 30 E Eau Claire St, Rice Lake 715-234-6997
Ald At Large Resac, Jim 30 E Eau Claire St, Rice Lake 715-415-3641
Ald At Large Westaby, Shasta 30 E Eau Claire St, Rice Lake 715-719-0213
Ald District 1 Brown, Stephen 30 E Eau Claire St, Rice Lake 715-234-1370
Ald District 2 Sookiayak, Gina 30 E Eau Claire St, Rice Lake 715-418-9024
Ald District 3 Hulback, Ryan 30 E Eau Claire St, Rice Lake 715-790-6700
Ald District 4 Edwardsen, Doug 30 E Eau Claire St, Rice Lake 715-719-0317
Assessor Assoc Appraisals PO Box 440, Greenville 920-224-8813
Fire Chief Hover, Michael 34 S Wilson Ave, Rice Lake 715-296-3810
Interim City Admin Murphy, Shan 30 E Eau Claire St, Rice Lake 715-234-3454
Mayor Dodge, Harlan 30 E Eau Claire St, Rice Lake 715-234-4611
Muni Legal Counsel Bakke Norman SC 7 S Dewey St, Eau Claire 715-234-2128
Municipal Judge Kasper, Eric 30 E Eau Claire St, Rice Lake 715-234-1989
Police Chief Roux, Steve 34 S Wilson Ave, Rice Lake 715-234-5248
  Town of Almena Population: 898 Val: $154,152,600
Website townofalmena.com
Clerk Moen, Kristen PO Box 7, Almena 715-308-3244
Assessor Prochnow, Randy E5339 674th Ave, Menomonie 715-309-2863
Chair Scheps, Ken 1620 4th St, Almena 715-296-5723
Supervisor Becker, Harland 1491 2nd St, Turtle Lake 715-541-2418
Supervisor Miller, Ed 1402 US Hwy 63, Turtle Lake 715-541-2111
Treasurer Rose, Hoyt 1289 4th St, Almena 715-641-0353
  Town of Arland Population: 850 Val: $63,734,500
Website townofarland.com
Clerk Fall, Pam 686 7th Ave CTH P, Clayton 715-455-1074
Assessor Tamarack Spring Assng W4653 Springs Dr, Phillips 715-891-5076
Chair Hoff, Maynard 983 7 1/2 Ave, Barron 715-790-7230
Supervisor Richards, Chuck 744 8th Ave, Clayton 715-357-8030
Supervisor Wolf, Brad 668 9th Ave, Clayton 715-651-7947
Treasurer Nelson, Jodene 905 7 1/2 Ave, Barron 715-455-1231
  Town of Barron Population: 629 Val: $53,393,300
Website townofbarron.com
Clerk/Treas Sadtler, Jill 1408 14th Ave, Barron 715-790-7100
Assessor Kleven Property App. S11091 Cty Rd W, Eleva 715-529-1032
Chair Bjugstad, Darren 1392 13th St, Barron 715-418-1608
Supervisor Dobberfuhl, Mark 1371 US Hwy 8, Barron 715-418-5163
Supervisor Mickelson, Aaron 1292 14th St, Barron 715-418-0234
  Town of Bear Lake Population: 683 Val: $86,110,800
Website townofbearlake.com
Clerk Blechinger, Lisa 1340 27th Ave, Rice Lake 612-860-3349
Assessor Owen Assessing LLC E3571 810th Ave, Menomonie 715-643-2081
Chair Toft, Paul 1756 25th Ave, Rice Lake 715-790-8086
Supervisor Schultz, Steve 1788 26th Ave, Rice Lake 715-651-0265
Supervisor Wellsandt, David 2639 17th St, Rice Lake 715-296-0269
Treasurer Willger, Kathy 2682 18th St, Rice Lake 715-296-6848
  Town of Cedar Lake Population: 1095 Val: $810,956,300
Website townofcedarlake.org
Clerk Drew, Maryhelen 2706 27th Ave, Mikana 715-651-0066
Assessor Prochnow, Randy E5339 674th Ave, Menomonie 715-309-2863
Chair Leners, Ken 2825 29 1/4 Ave, Birchwood 612-710-3030
Supervisor Hele, Mary PO Box 3, Birchwood 612-618-7679
Supervisor Weiss, Kory 2716 26 1/2 Ave, Rice Lake 715-651-1444
Treasurer Roux, Gladys 2846 27 1/2 Ave, Birchwood 715-671-8708
  Town of Chetek Population: 1748 Val: $465,472,400
Website townofchetekwi.com
Clerk/Treas Peters, David PO Box 54, Chetek 715-642-2182
Assessor Meyer, Ron E2830 N CTH P, Menomonie 715-232-9068
Chair Postle, John 904 24 5/8 St, Chetek 715-642-1961
Supervisor Hanson, Keith 936 25 1/2 St, Chetek 715-859-2977
Supervisor Lentz, Dave 955 23 3/4 St, Chetek 715-859-6573
  Town of Clinton Population: 886 Val: $74,797,602
Website clintonwi.org
Clerk Robinson, Cassie 940 US HWY 8, Barron 715-296-2765
Assessor Kleven Property App. S11091 Cty Rd W, Eleva 715-529-1032
Chair Masek, Sharon 1374 9th St, Almena 715-651-5972
Supervisor Nevin, Larry 1519 8 3/4 St, Almena 715-641-2169
Supervisor Schauf, Zachary 1141 16th Ave, Barron 612-308-0382
Treasurer Schlosser, Stephanie 1033 15th Ave, Barron 715-357-6074
  Town of Crystal Lake Population: 708 Val: $82,565,400
Clerk/Treas Frisinger, Arlene 164 22nd Ave, Comstock 715-822-8039
Assessor Kleven Property Assessment S11091 Cty Rd W, Eleva 715-529-1032
Chair Nelson, Craig 241 19 1/2 Ave, Comstock 715-822-8329
Supervisor Frisinger, Michael 164 22nd Ave, Comstock 715-822-8039
Supervisor Williams, Dean 302 18 1/2-19 1/2 Ave, Comstock 715-419-0490
  Town of Cumberland Population: 813 Val: $125,885,900
Clerk Nyhus, Holly 902 20th Ave, Cumberland 715-357-6154
Assessor Kleven Property App. S11091 Cty Rd W, Eleva 715-529-1032
Chair Brown, Tom 1893 7th St, Cumberland 715-419-4553
Supervisor Hecht, Alvin 949 19th Ave, Cumberland 715-822-4526
Supervisor Kolzow, Kenneth 2096 11th St, Cumberland 715-419-2048
Treasurer Braun, Frances 1178 23 1/4 Ave, Cumberland 715-822-2838
  Town of Dallas Population: 611 Val: $57,958,300
Clerk Bartlett, Karolyn 517 14 1/2 St, Dallas 715-837-1039
Assessor Tamarack Springs Assng W4653 Springs Dr, Phillips 715-891-5076
Chair Lentz, Richard 1402 1 1/2 Ave, Dallas 715-949-1072
Supervisor Knutson, Chad 424 16 1/2 St, Dallas 715-837-4121
Supervisor Wirth, Barry 1524 Cty Rd V, Ridgeland 715-296-6492
Treasurer Harmon, Jared 1439 4 1/2 Ave, Dallas 715-205-4154
  Town of Dovre Population: 888 Val: $90,338,800
Website townofdovre.com
Clerk/Treas Cody, Louise 304 25 1/2 St, Chetek 715-933-2331
Assessor Bowmar Appraisal 4330 Golf Trc Ste 208, Eau Claire 715-835-1141
Chair Hanson, Mitch 23 24 1/2 St, New Auburn 715-829-8694
Supervisor Nyhagen, Allen 2952 2 1/2 Ave, New Auburn 715-202-0730
Supervisor Vaughn, Diane 46 27th St, New Auburn 715-642-2706
  Town of Doyle Population: 490 Val: $75,600,900
Website townofdoyle.com
Clerk Drost, Victor 2248 27th St, Rice Lake 715-651-8157
Assessor Prochnow, Randy E5339 674th Ave, Menomonie 715-309-2863
Chair Baisden, James 2824 19 1/2 Ave, Rice Lake 715-651-1144
Supervisor Dirkes, Alan 2348 26th St, Rice Lake 715-205-2982
Supervisor Popowski, Tom 2429 24th Ave, Rice Lake 715-234-8047
Treasurer Saffert, Eva 2139 27th St, Rice Lake 715-236-3347
  Town of Lakeland Population: 1010 Val: $165,927,400
Website townoflakelandwi.com
Clerk Maxwell-Parker, Danielle PO Box 28, 791 29 11/16 Ave, Barronett 715-822-2775
Assessor Associated Appraisals PO Box 440, Greenville 920-224-8813
Chair Metnik, Bill 2458 8 1/2 8 3/4 St, Cumberland 715-419-1799
Constable Anderson, Eric 2458 8 1/2 8 3/4 St, Cumberland 715-494-9403
Constable Wiese, Greg 663 27th Ave, Cumberland 651-442-5851
San Dist Pres Nickell, Tim N253 Old Hwy 63, Barronett 715-491-0496
Supervisor Rydberg, Jeneene 663 27th Ave, Cumberland 651-428-6935
Supervisor Schill, Rick 939 30th Ave, Barronett 715-645-2133
Treasurer Narges, Beth PO Box 28, Barronett 715-419-0689
  Town of Maple Grove Population: 979 Val: $65,320,300
Clerk Young, Angela 1448 7 1/2 Ave, Hillsdale 715-575-5627
Assessor Tamarack Springs Assng W4653 Springs Dr, Phillips 715-891-5076
Chair Hutchison, Paul 1480 6 1/2 Ave, Hillsdale 715-418-9914
Supervisor Reichert, Gary 1719 7 1/2 Ave, Hillsdale 715-458-2045
Supervisor Sullivan, Terry 1475 7 1/2 Ave, Barron 715-563-7419
Treasurer Stewart, Darlene 1487 7 1/2 Ave, Barron 715-837-1142
  Town of Maple Plain Population: 847 Val: $224,357,500
Website townofmapleplainwi.com
Clerk Maxwell-Parker, Danielle PO Box 1319, 393 26th Ave, Cumberland 715-529-2741
Assessor Kleven Property App. S11091 Cty Rd W, Eleva 715-529-1032
Chair Heinecke, Dale 76 27 1/2 Ave, Cumberland 715-822-8642
Supervisor Jenkins, Dennis 2509 2nd St, Cumberland 715-671-8192
Supervisor Wagner, Kally 2675 Polk-Barron St, Cumberland 715-419-0480
Treasurer Narges, Beth PO Box 1319, Cumberland 715-419-0689
  Town of Oak Grove Population: 969 Val: $94,445,900
Clerk Schaffer, Jacque 2792 22nd St, Rice Lake 715-296-0440
Assessor Prochnow, Randy E5339 674th Ave, Menomonie 715-309-2863
Chair Tomesh, Dave 2970 21st St, Sarona 715-790-0718
Supervisor Drost, Kenny 2260 25th Ave, Rice Lake 715-234-2566
Supervisor Haughian, Mike 2476 20 1/2 St, Rice Lake 715-234-7458
Treasurer Rindsig, Karen 2106 29 1/2 Ave, Sarona 715-234-3781
  Town of Prairie Farm Population: 576 Val: $41,005,000
Clerk Buck, Vicki 624 1st Ave, Prairie Farm 715-495-2798
Assessor Owen Assessing LLC E3571 810th Ave, Menomonie 715-643-2081
Chair Wirth, Ronald 84 8 3/4 - 9 1/4 St, Ridgeland 715-455-1942
Supervisor Frisle, Dean 654 5 1/2 Ave, Prairie Farm  
Supervisor Nelson, Andrew 843 4th Ave, Prairie Farm 715-790-1511
Treasurer Hemauer, Debra 303 8 3/4 St, Prairie Farm 715-455-1698
  Town of Prairie Lake Population: 1674 Val: $256,608,600
Website townofprairielake.com
Clerk/Treas Giles, Megan 796 21st St, Chetek 715-924-2580
Assessor Kleven Property Assessment S11091 Cty Rd W, Eleva 715-529-1032
Chair Atwood, Joe 2375 7th Ave, PO Box 542, Chetek 715-764-2948
Supervisor Maloney, Todd 955 23 1/2 St, Chetek 608-343-2892
Supervisor Richter, Lori 1022 19 3/4 St, Cameron 715-205-8231
  Town of Rice Lake Population: 2833 Val: $347,645,500
Website townofricelake.com
Clerk/Treas Nelson, Dawn M. 1830 Macauley Ave, Rice Lake 715-234-8087
Assessor Owen Assessing LLC E3571 810th Ave, Menomonie 715-643-2081
Chair Borofka, Dean 2122 21 1/2 St, Rice Lake 715-296-6258
Supervisor Blaskowski, John 2287 19th St, Rice Lake 715-419-0272
Supervisor Gallagher, Peter 2227A 20 1/2-20 1/4 St, Rice Lake 318-614-9041
Supervisor Lisi, Gerry 2360 18 3/4 St, Rice Lake 715-205-5362
Supervisor Putnam, Donald 1960 21 7/8 St, Rice Lake 715-651-4679
  Town of Sioux Creek Population: 670 Val: $76,998,800
Website townofsiouxcreek.com
Clerk/Treas Atwood, Sabrina 2077 3 1/2 Ave, Chetek 715-837-1007
Assessor Owen Assessing LLC E3571 810th Ave, Menomonie 715-643-2081
Chair Anderson, Arnie 2277 1 1/2 Ave, Chetek 715-925-6045
Supervisor DeJardin, Peter 198 19th St, Chetek
Supervisor Diedrich, Sonja 209 20 1/4 St, Chetek 715-642-2269
Supervisor Johnson, Jim 224 23rd St, Chetek 715-764-0562
Supervisor Massie, Chad 219 19th St, Chetek 715-642-3200
  Town of Stanfold Population: 706 Val: $57,916,900
Website stanfold.org
Clerk Foust, Kris 2817 15th Ave, Rice Lake 715-475-9363
Assessor Owen Assessing LLC E3571 810th Ave, Menomonie 715-643-2081
Chair Nelson, Charles 1282 22 1/2 Ave, Cumberland 715-822-2871
Supervisor Knutson, Brent 1215 22 1/2 Ave, Cumberland 715-205-8008
Supervisor Nelsen, John 2183 16 1/2 St, Rice Lake 715-651-6043
Treasurer Peterson, Lana 1789 22nd Ave, Rice Lake 715-236-7582
  Town of Stanley Population: 2552 Val: $345,028,100
Website townofstanley-wi.gov
Clerk Hessel, Jim 1328 18 3/4 St, Cameron 715-458-4783
Assessor Kleven Property Assessment S11091 Cty Rd W, Eleva 715-529-1032
Chair Cook, Jason 1549 19 1/4 St, Cameron 715-931-0878
Supervisor Moen, Larry 2326 14 3/4 Ave, Cameron 715-458-2821
Supervisor Shearer, Monty 1941 14th Ave, Cameron 715-296-5925
Treasurer Thole, Dan 1595 20 3/4 St, Cameron 715-458-4787
  Town of Sumner Population: 697 Val: $85,914,600
Website townofsumner-wi.com
Clerk Tomczak, Sandra 1550 24 1/2 St, Rice Lake 715-859-6250
Assessor Tamarack Springs Assng W4653 Springs Dr, Phillips 715-891-5076
Chair Palmquist, Steven 1729 27th St, Rice Lake 715-651-2965
Supervisor Tubbs, Scott 2802 13 1/2 Ave, Cameron 715-418-9438
Supervisor Zimmer, Mark 2470 16 1/4 Ave, Rice Lake 715-651-0811
Treasurer Harder, Jenn 1540 24 1/2 St, Rice Lake 715-859-2901
  Town of Turtle Lake Population: 646 Val: $130,349,600
Clerk Steffen, Kathryn 485 11 1/2 Ave, Turtle Lake 715-781-4993
Assessor Prochnow Assessing LLC E5339 674th Ave, Menomonie 715-309-2863
Chair Pabst, David 1034 2nd St, Turtle Lake 715-541-2156
Supervisor Kasper, James 1097 1st St, Turtle Lake 715-641-2110
Supervisor Peetz, Brian 287 9th Ave, Clayton 715-222-6558
Treasurer Koenig, Sue Ann 458 11 1/2 Ave, Turtle Lake 715-357-3118
  Town of Vance Creek Population: 695 Val: $50,163,410
Website townofvancecreek.com
Clerk Norberg, Kara PO Box 123, 543 3rd Ave., Prairie Farm 651-491-3067
Assessor Moskal, Andrew 272 4th Ave, Clayton 715-948-2886
Chair Stafne, Michael 582 4 1/2 Ave, Clayton 715-455-1159
Supervisor Norberg, Matt 543 3rd Ave, Prairie Farm 651-295-1150
Supervisor Prusak, Tim 236 3rd Ave, Clayton 715-296-0651
Treasurer Obitz, Samantha PO Box 123, Prairie Farm 651-249-8180
  Village of Almena Population: 705 Val: $42,051,000
Website villageofalmenawi.com
Clerk/Treas Bauer, Kim PO Box 277, 131 Soo Ave E, Almena 715-357-6600
Assessor Owen Assessing LLC E3571 810th Ave, Menomonie 715-643-2081
President Gabe, Al 131 Soo Ave E, Almena 715-641-0602
Trustee Heintz, David PO Box 22, Almena 715-357-6432
Trustee Hellmann, Brian 730 Garfield St S, Almena 715-419-2716
Trustee Jensen, Joyce 111 Aneta Ave, Almena 612-581-8477
Trustee Kunkel, Scott 402 Alma St N, Almena 715-338-6343
Trustee Rockow, Kathy 309 Clinton St N, Almena 715-357-3477
Trustee Roff, Raymond 207 Portland Ave W, Almena 715-205-5180
  Village of Cameron Population: 1857 Val: $108,589,400
Website villageofcameron.com
Clerk/Treas Story, Ardith PO Box 387, 300 N 1st St, Cameron 715-458-2117
Assessor Koepp, William 450 E Poplar Ave, Cameron 715-458-4448
Interim Police Chief Larson, Jessica 300 N 1st St, Cameron 715-458-2117
Municipal Judge Skaar, Terry 300 N 1st St, Cameron 715-458-2034
President Hulback, Russ 309 E Poplar Ave, Cameron 715-458-4874
Trustee Ebner, David 588 Clayton St, Cameron 715-651-6964
Trustee Hill, Randy 217 E Poplar Ave, Cameron 715-458-4095
Trustee Johnson, Steve 504 Rudolph Rd, Cameron 715-458-3129
Trustee Krug, Kathy 613 N 3rd St, Cameron 715-205-2346
Trustee Larson, Jessica 602 N 3rd St, Cameron 715-790-4928
Trustee Paddock, Denise 420 N 6th St, Cameron 715-205-4271
  Village of Dallas Population: 351 Val: $18,654,100
Clerk/Treas Anderson, Lynn PO Box 84, 100 Dallas St W, Dallas 715-837-1186
Assessor Tamarack Springs Assng W4653 Springs Dr, Phillips 715-891-5076
President Dodge, Sue PO Box 84, Dallas 715-837-1645
Trustee Borgen, Wayne PO Box 84, Dallas 715-764-2525
Trustee Davis, Adam PO Box 84, Dallas 715-644-8035
Trustee Stehberger, LJ PO Box 84, Dallas 715-837-1919
Trustee Wirth, Greg PO Box 84, Dallas 715-418-0150
  Village of Haugen Population: 284 Val: $13,057,455
Website villageofhaugen.com
Clerk/Treas Long, Heather PO Box 234, 104 3rd St, Haugen 715-790-0451
Assessor Owen Assessing LLC E3571 810th Ave, Menomonie 715-643-2081
President Thompson, Bryan 405 Plecity Ave, Haugen 715-205-3237
Trustee Blanch, Jeff 113 3rd St, Haugen 715-205-0464
Trustee Drost, Christopher PO Box 132, Haugen 715-651-7091
Trustee Duerkop, Bill 416 Plecity Ave N, Haugen 715-651-4373
  Village of New Auburn Population: 43 Val: $3,000,000
Website newauburn-wi.com
Admin/Clerk/Dep Treas Hanson, Bradley PO Box 100, 130 E. Elm St, New Auburn 715-237-2223
Assessor Prochnow Assessing E5339 674th Ave, Menomonie 715-309-2863
President Berg, Shannon 214 S East St, New Auburn 715-202-3920
Treas/Dep Clerk Dachel, Teresa PO Box 100, 130 E. Elm St, New Auburn 715-237-2223
Trustee Anderson, Allan 1324 Cty Hwy Q, New Auburn 715-642-5726
Trustee Hinke, Dalton PO Box 153, New Auburn 715-828-7772
Trustee Lotts, Brad 208 E Pine St, New Auburn 715-933-0587
Trustee Pitts, Gary PO Box 15, New Auburn 715-642-5587
  Village of Prairie Farm Population: 473 Val: $26,999,750
Clerk/Treas Siebert, Sherrie PO Box 74, 115 N River Ave, Prairie Farm 715-455-1714
Assessor Koepp, William 450 E Poplar Ave, Cameron 715-458-4448
President Marion, Duane 115 N River Ave, PO Box 74, Prairie Farm 715-455-1251
Trustee Miller, Bradley 201 River Ave N, Prairie Farm 715-495-9101
Trustee Miller, Jay 129 Wayne St, Prairie Farm 715-455-1376
  Village of Turtle Lake Population: 1043 Val: $52,314,300
Website turtlelakewi.com
Clerk Jenkinson, Karen PO Box 11, 114 Martin Ave E, Turtle Lake 715-986-2241
Assessor Prochnow Assessing E5339 674th Ave, Menomonie 715-309-2863
Fire Chief Helling, Butch 556 Swede Ave, PO Box 493, Turtle Lake 715-986-2010
Municipal Judge Zemke, Dennis 112 Elizabeth Ct, Turtle Lake 715-986-4737
Police Chief Posey, Derek PO Box 11, 114 Martin Ave, Turtle Lake 715-986-2942
President Koenig, Andy 201 Pine St S, Turtle Lake 715-554-4962
Treasurer Stanford, Karrie PO Box 11, 114 Martin Ave, Turtle Lake 715-986-2241
Trustee Clary, Joanna 226 Ostermann Dr, Turtle Lake 715-781-8989
Trustee Glaubitz, Chad 123 Butternut St N, Turtle Lake 715-641-2281
Trustee McCready, Patrick 129 Spruce St N, Turtle Lake 715-986-4321
Trustee Morton, Ruth 123 Arthur Ave W, PO Box 321, Turtle Lake 715-986-4751
Trustee Pabst, James 120 Butternut St N, Turtle Lake 715-541-2332
Trustee Tarman, Laurie 124 Elizabeth Ct N, Turtle Lake 715-491-0493